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NOTE - We are not currently taking on any new clients.
Join us for a day of presentations & workshops inspired to help you better understand your canine companion.
Topics covered will include:
Recognizing normal dog behaviour
Optimism in dogs
Oxytocin in dogs and humans
Effects of age-at-castration on dog behaviour
Expectations of dog adopters
Factors that influence working dog success
Lessons from working breed
How arousal and affective state affect training
How does good dogmanship make dogs happy?
WHEN: Saturday 2nd June 2018
TIME: 9am - 4.15pm
VENUE: University of Sydney
CFC Lecture Theatre
Camperdown, NSW 2006
This event has been approved for 1.0 CPDT-KA, 1.0 CPDT-KSA, 4.0 CBCC-KA,
6.5 IAABC Continuing Education Units.

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