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Service & Rates

RevolutionDog Puppy Be-Right Program
So you have decided to welcome a puppy into your home. Puppies are certainly hard to resist with their utter cuteness, their playful attitudes and eagerness to become a part of your family. But wait, raising a puppy is a long term commitment. There are also a few critical developmental stages that your puppy will go through, and that you need to be aware of, to help prevent behavioral issues down the track. Our RevolutionDog Puppy Be-Right Program will teach you everything you need to know to ensure that you raise a well-balanced and well-mannered puppy. ​
This program is designed for the new puppy owner to ensure that your puppy gets the best possible start in life. It involves (2) 1.5hr training sessions with one happening before you get your pup and one after your pup arrives in your home. This will ensure that you are adequately prepared for your puppies arrival and gain valuable feedback after your pup arrives.
It includes email support for one (1) month from the first consult.
Puppy Be-Right Program.....................................$450.00
Package includes:
- 2 x 1.5 hr consultations
- Puppy gift pack
- Email support for 1 month from the date of your initial consult
Follow up sessions (if required).......................$120.00 p/hr
* Training packages also available after the initial consultation.
RevolutionDog Be-Good Program
Designed to address basic training issues; including house manners, unwanted jumping on visitors, jumping on counters, attention seeking behaviors (alert barking, etc), chewing, digging, leash walking, & any other basic commands.
Initial Consultation & Training Session................$200.00
Follow-up training sessions (hourly).....................$140.00
Dogs are not born hardwired with a set of rules knowing what is, and is not acceptable, when sharing a home with us humans. For instance, peeing in the yard is acceptable, while peeing on the carpet is not. Chewing on a chew toy is acceptable, chewing on your designer shoes is not. So, rather than inadvertently setting up your dog for failure, or just a whole lot of confusion, why not let RevolutionDog design a plan of action to ensure that you, your family, and the life of your dog is fun-filled and harmonious.
* Training packages also available after the initial consultation.

RevolutionDog Behave Program
This program is designed for the dog with specific behavior issues including fear, aggression (dog or human), leash reactivity, self regulation issues.
Initial Consultation & Training Session...............$250.00
(includes comprehensive training plan)
Follow-up training sessions (hourly)....................$180.00
Is your dog fearful around new people, dogs, or new environments? Have you gotten to the point where you don't trust your dog around strangers or other family members. Or, maybe your dog is a social butterfly at the dog park, but is reactive on-leash when he sees another dog? Do you find yourself dreading taking your dog for a walk? Or, maybe his behavior has caused you to stop taking him for a daily walk? If so, then this program is for you!
* Training packages also available after the initial consultation.

Deaf Dogs Program
This program is designed for the owner who is sharing their home with a deaf dog and is looking for some basic guidance by someone who not only understands how to train a deaf dog, but also shares their home with one. (This is for basic dog training only - please checkout our Behave program if you are needing assistance with behaviour related issues.
Training session (1.5 hrs)............................................$150.00
Follow-up training sessions (hourly)....................$120.00
* Training packages also available after the initial consultation.

RevolutionDog Walk-Train Program
This walking program is designed for the owner who is seeking help walking their fearful or reactive dog.
* These are individual dog walks using behaviour modification during the walk. It is preferred that the owner has already started to implement a positive based modification program but this can be discussed prior to engaging our services.
Walk (60 min)....................................................................$100.00
“The most rewarding aspect of dog training, whatever the behavior being trained, is when the dog has that lightbulb moment. It is like someone, in an instant, has turned on a light switch.”